Energetic materials such as rocket propellants or pyrotechnics present this paradox of containing high heat amounts which need to be stabilized during long periods of time but quickly released on demand. Thermal analysis together with thermokinetics allow for the assessment of the long term stability of such substances, together with a better understanding of their decomposition schemes and amounts of gases evolved.

The first and most simple step requires an assessment of each raw material, intermediate or final product to determine its thermal stability within plant conditions. This will determine if further investigation is required.
SADT, Time to Maximum Rate and the full package of thermal hazards data can be precisely determined using powerful kinetics software. With a well designed experimental series and advanced kinetics you significantly reduce the number of analysis required, reducing countless time and resources performing complex experimentation.

Some International References

DGA - France
Nexter - France
National Research of Fire & Disaster - Japan
KOSHA - Korea